Would you like to receive automatic notification of updates to this blog without needing to sign on every day to check it? You can use the RSS Feed link. It is usually located in the sidebar area on the right of this page in your browser. If you click the link and fill out the information the web site will send you a notification any time the web page is updated. This applies to many web sites, not just this blog. You can direct where you want the messages to go, and how much data to download. The default, at least for Outlook, is into a folder called RSS Feeds, so it won't clutter your Inbox. I have done this for years with a couple of Microsoft feeds, and found it is a good way to keep up with selected sites without a lot of effort. But like so many other things, there is a balance. You need to decide for yourself which sites you want to have send you automatic updates, and which you want to be on your schedule.
This is just a suggestion, for those who may not be familiar with the feature. Try it and see if you like it. You can easily turn if off again if you don't.
This is just a suggestion, for those who may not be familiar with the feature. Try it and see if you like it. You can easily turn if off again if you don't.