I have made a few updates to this web site. There is not a lot of change in content with this update, but I have changed the navigation a little, and hopefully made it easier for you to find your way around.
Probably the most notable change is the image that appears on each page. The previous one was a stock image from the web site provider. I really liked it, but it wasn't "mine", and if you looked closely it featured a Mac laptop, which might have been confusing for some people. This image is a little more "artsy", but I like it.
And finally, I am working on a new feature, which will be a set of Portfolio pages. These will contain case studies and other information about projects I have led or assisted. This should give you some insight into how I might be able to help you, or maybe just provide some ideas about how you can improve your own application environment. This should be available shortly, and I will add content over time.
Please respond in the blog comments, or on my Contact page to let me know what you think.
And just a reminder, if you would like to receive instant updates on my blog postings, you can add the RSS Feed that is included on this page.
This blog posting gives instructions on how to do that.
Probably the most notable change is the image that appears on each page. The previous one was a stock image from the web site provider. I really liked it, but it wasn't "mine", and if you looked closely it featured a Mac laptop, which might have been confusing for some people. This image is a little more "artsy", but I like it.
And finally, I am working on a new feature, which will be a set of Portfolio pages. These will contain case studies and other information about projects I have led or assisted. This should give you some insight into how I might be able to help you, or maybe just provide some ideas about how you can improve your own application environment. This should be available shortly, and I will add content over time.
Please respond in the blog comments, or on my Contact page to let me know what you think.
And just a reminder, if you would like to receive instant updates on my blog postings, you can add the RSS Feed that is included on this page.
This blog posting gives instructions on how to do that.